Government College of Technology (GCT) is an autonomous institution affiliated to Anna University, Chennai is functioning from the year 1945 in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
The College being one of the oldest, is regarded as the finest in the state for nourishing the engineering talent among the students, besides providing them a proper platform in bringing out their talents in extra-curricular activities through National level Symposiums, collegiate clubs like Tamil Mandram, Fine Arts, Students Journalist Council, Literary Debating Society, Green Club, TEDx GCT, etc. among others.
The curricular activity clubs like SAE, SRF and others helps the students in showcasing the innovative ideas of their own and helps them in providing a proper platform to exhibit their skills at national level through these clubs.
Also, the collegiate symposiums and association functions are organized and managed by the students promotes their ability to handle their responsibilities and passion with equal proportions. This helps in improving their managerial skills under pressure to deliver the best at the events.
Mechanical Engineering is the traditional and vast discipline established in 1952. Mechanical Engineering provides the students with a zestful career in the fields of design, thermal, and manufacturing engineering. Dr. P.K Palani is the head of the department, who has 29 years of overwhelming experience in his career. Mechanical Engineering Association has the confluence of technical & Non-technical staffs, who are unique & outstanding in their respective fields. Induction and Technotryst are the National level tech symposium conducted every year on odd & even semester respectively, organized and managed by students themselves.
Vision : Towards a global knowledge hub, striving continuously in pursuit of excellence in Mechanical Engineering Education, Entrepreneurship and innovation.
Mission : To impart total quality education through effective hi-tech teaching-learning techniques and department-industries collaboration.
To mold the young dynamic potential minds to emerge as full-fledged future professionals so as to achieve top ten ranking status in the national level.
To achieve international standards to fulfill the government’s “Make in india” industrial policy through innovation and research.