Auto Quiz

Auto quiz event deals with the testing of general knowledge of students in the horizon of Automobile Engineeringby arising questions related to technical prospects of this field. It further involves questions related to history of automobiles, vehicle type and its specifications, famous sport and imminent personalities, popular places, automobile companies.

The participants indulging in this can enhance their technical skills in this arena.


  • ROUND1

    First round will be a written one which contains questions about general terms and basic fundamental knowledge in automobiles and its systems.

  • ROUND2

    Second round contains questions based on knowledge on logos of automotive companies and related questions. It also covers famous historic events and inventions in this industry. Moreover the questions are taken with insight of knowledge from up to date technologies in automation.

  • ROUND3

    Third round is a buzzer round. Priority is given to the one who first calls the buzzer. Here, we deal with technologies at current trend, advancements, car models, new launches, features, inventions that created huge impact. Finally the team which scores high marks will be choosen as the winner.


  • 1. Team event, 2 per team.
  • 2. Team mate cannot be changed for further rounds.
  • 3. Judges decision will be final.


First Prize Rs. 3000/-

Second Prize Rs. 2000/-


  • Dasarathan 9043241413
  • Dasarathan 7418341413


  • 09 th April 2018
  • 134- II mech-A